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Receive notices about events, job postings, opportunities for collaboration and occasional information about our community. Use the following form to subscribe to the mailing list

Please note that the mailing list currently only accepts mails smaller than 40kB, which should be sufficient for text. If you like to point to other content, please upload it to an external place and include the URL in the email. The reason for this limitation is not only general courtesy towards all recipients, but also that otherwise traffic generated by the mailing list could create a financial problem.

Chat: Matrix

Please don’t use the mailing list for long discussions, use the chat channel(s) instead! You can find a list of these channels and some information on how to start using Matrix chat on a separate page.

(alter Chat: Rocketchat)

Before Matrix we used RocketChat from GWDG:

Job offers

Job offers can be announced through the followin channels:

Monthly Community Call

Since 2017, we host a monthly “Open Science” call together with the OKF working group Open Science. During this call, topics from OpenScience to RSE and beyond are discussed informally by the community.

Dates and times for the monthly community calls are listed here.


The website hosts a blog with contributions from the community members. Your ideas, topics and posts in German, English, or both are very welcome! The includes instructions for getting a local preview of the site.

Local RSE groups

“Chapters” are local, regional, or institution-specific RSE groups, under the umbrella of the de-RSE.e.V..

Local chapters


Of course please do not hesitate to use the mailing list if you have questions about the background, aims, and activities of de-RSE.

In case personal contact is what you need, you can directly contact the board.

de-RSE e.V. - Gesellschaft für Forschungssoftware
c/o German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute for Software Technology
Rutherfordstraße 2
12489 Berlin

Email: vorstand [at]